Engaging the youth branches of political parties on climate change issues

Green Youth Academy
Green Youth Academy
DKK 499,950
Programme Area
Climate Communication

The youth branches of political parties play a crucial role in Denmark's political landscape, serving as vibrant and influential entities that contribute to the nation's democratic processes and societal development. These youth organizations provide a platform for young people to engage in politics, voice their concerns, and actively participate in shaping the country's future. While many special interest groups often engage with these bourgeoning political thought-leaders, the climate movement has so far been not been heavily engaged with these groups.

Green Youth Academy
The Green Youth Academy (Grønt Ungdomsakademi) is a newly created organization aiming to create a platform for engaging upcoming policy-makers, driven by a strong partnership between Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, Dyrenes Beskyttelse, and Rådet for Grøn Omstilling (RGO). The Green Youth Academy will be conducting a range of workshops, seminars and events to engage the youth branches on climate change issues.